Charlieโ€™s Path

Soursop Tincture 4fl oz (NO GLYCERIN)

$79.99 $120.00
Soursop Tincture
$79.99 $120.00you save $40.01

Natureโ€™s Powerhouse of Healing and Immune Support.

Discover the multiple benefits of Soursop (Graviola, Annona Muricata)**โ€”a nutrient-rich and packed with vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium), and dietary fiber. But thatโ€™s not all. Soursop contains natural compounds that activate apoptosisโ€”the body's built-in process to eliminate abnormal cells, tumors, and promote healing.

Suggested Dosage:
โ€ข Adults: Take 2ml, twice daily.
โ€ข Children under 12: Adjust according to weight and height.

Ingredients:ย ย Soursop Leafs, Spring Water, 100% Cane Alcohol.

Size: 4oz (30 day supply) no refrigeration required, shelf life 3 years.ย 

When apoptosis is blocked by toxins, diseases, or synthetic compounds, the bodyโ€™s natural defense system weakens. Soursopโ€™s natural compounds help restore this process, supporting immune health and offering a potential defense against abnormal cell growth.

The key to effective use?

Consistentย herbal treatment for at least 90 days (3 bottles), combined with proper diet and lifestyle changes, such as detoxing your gut to create a healthy environment.

For those dealing with Herpes (HSV 1&2), our regimen includes avoiding foods rich in **Arginine** (like peanuts and chocolate) and focusing on a diet high in **Lysine** (such as bananas, avocados, and fish). Try our Herpes Menu Ebook and Herpes Purge Kit for additional support.

Safety Note: Soursop may lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, do not take if on medications.ย 

Take control of your health naturally, help your body heal itself.

**CAUTION:** Always consult with a healthcare professional on medication. Store tinctures in a cool, dry place for up to three years.


DISCLAIMER:ย These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.